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A T O M  E G O Y A N

Welcome to this privately run and non-commercial site which is dedicated to the films of Canadian-Armenian director (producer, screenwriter, etc.) Atom Egoyan. I refer those who might not be familiar with his name to the ‘official’ biography at Egofilmarts.com. Another useful one (although quite old) can be found at The Egoyan Nucleus (among hundreds of others, certainly).
Of course there are quite a number of sources/sites on the internet which deal with Egoyan and his films already, some of them providing quite a lot of information. I’ve made up a little list of those who seem most relevant to me on the internal page “Links” [with German commentary]. As I found out, most of them are not up-to-the-minute (updated very rarely), and often do not take European conditions (background/circumstances) into account (a U.S. site rarely gives the particular information which might be crucial for a cinema-goer in Europe). In addition to that, the search becomes narrow concerning sites specialised on Egoyan. Is there any other active fan site out there?
Originally intended for German-speaking visitors, I’m aware that a complete English version would make much sense, and some pages are already available in English. Currently available are: “Adoration” “Where the Truth Lies” (also: Box Office Data), News, Feedback form.
I regard this site as an addition to the existing ones with the main stress on current news [in German since 2002, in English since Jan. 2006]. Criticism, commentary, suggestions, corrections, inquiries or whatever is always welcome. So don’t hesitate to give some feedback.
Detlef Eilers

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